
22 Mar 2024

Practical Explanation of Experience

This article can not explain all the cases related to the experience. Each company is different and provides a unique experience. But I can give you the ideas on how to think about the company’s experience from the view of the customer and alsothe employee based on the picture used in the articleThe Importance of Customer Experience in Marketing 

Performance relates to overall company culture and brand performance.  

Innovation relates to product but also communication innovations (e.g. incorporation of new communication tools: like CRM systems, AI, applications etc.). These days many companies prefer “modular” production. It means that customers can buy your product in parts. Read more about modular design here. 

Goalshave to be set up clearly, SMART goals help employees to keep focused on what is important. Read how to set up goals here. 

Source: advantage  


Achievement should be clear, based on clearly defined and communicated goals. Why not celebrate those important of them? Don’t change it. Strategy is set up to be achieved! 

Operation: internal SW systems can improve the work and help but also be a barrier to achieving goals. Do you know the processes in your company? Do your employees understand them? Don’t you have too many sources of information? Each department and each employee havedifferent tables, and reports, …which can be unified. Do it. Don’t use too many SW solutions, try to think in advance with a platform and SW shopping. Sometimes cheaper is more expensive when you count also the time spent by copying the data from one system into another system (and the damage caused by data loss). 

Idea: the culture of the company is strongly shaped by people. Let them speak. Learn about different cultural types and the outcomes here: Eight distinct cultural styles. But alsodon’t underestimate your ideas and the main values, and strategy of the company. Keep them always in mind.  

Research:Research is important. But sometimes bad research can lead to loss of trust or even profit. Use the advice of the researcher or at least study the correct way how to set up the research and formulate the questions. Because you understand what you ask doesn’t necessarily mean that your audience understands and gives you proper answers. Use e.g. scales (1-5) instead of yes or no.  

Technology: technology and user experience are closely related together. If your e-shop doesn’t work perfectly, if you do have not enough payment or delivery methods, it is difficult to find the correct bottom, or if takes too long to download the webpage…everything matters. If your employees do more reports than work with customers because you don’t have the automatization of management (e.g. SAP), marketing (CRM), or databases, you lose in these fast-running business conditions.  


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