
22 Mar 2024

Importance of a strong workplace culture – The Results Pyramid

Since the beginning of the 20th century, marked by the development of mass industrial production, corporate culture has gradually reflected different strategic guidelines in the organization of intra-firm management and development of company brands.Modern brands have a great impact on corporate culture. The individuality of a brand rises to the level of general corporate values, to the formation of which all intra-company mechanisms are directed.  

Orientation of corporate culture to brands is especially important for large, centralized companies due to high transaction costs in the process of making managerial decisions. But the corporate culture is also important for small and medium enterprises due to the effect on lowering the cost on employees and hiring.  

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Popis byl vytvořen automatickyIf management decisions are contradictory and the brand mission changes periodically, employees, partners, and clients of the firm, being in a state of uncertainty, may lose motivation along with loyalty. 

The corporate mission and brand philosophy develop the internal culture of the company. Every company, whether they realize it or not, has its own culture. This culture isn'tjust about company outings, free snacks, or other perks. It's shaped by the consistent experiences that influence and strengthen the beliefs, behaviours, and outcomes of your employees. 



(Culture Partners 2022) 

In today's unique environment, marked by widespread employee turnover, the phenomenon of 'quiet quitting,' and growing disinterest in traditional work models, the importance of a strong workplace culture has never been greater. For business leaders aiming to enhance their company's performance, paying attention to the workplace culture is crucial. Now more than ever, employees are eager to engage in discussions about the fundamental nature of work itself. 

The results pyramid 


(Authors due to Culture Partners matrix of Results Pyramid) 

Results are summary of all the layers of pyramid. Experiences leads to believes, believes leads to actions and actions lead to final results. If you want to change results you have to change: experiences-believes-actions 

Actions stem from your intentions, which are predicated on beliefs and experiences. Because actions demonstrate whether employees have internalized an organization’s values and goals, actions are the best way to measure the effectiveness of your culture. The actions you take lead to your end results. 

Believes inform what you choose to focus on; they are intrinsic motivators. Your behaviour, priorities, and goals stem from your beliefs. Both positive and negative beliefs are reinforced over time by experiences that support them. Your goals then affect the actions you take. 

Experiences affect the perceptions you have about a company and your place in it. Internalized experiences drive your perception of workplace culture. These perceptions in turn affect the beliefs you hold. 

Without changing the employee experience in company there will be no results. 


Culture Partners. (2022). Uncovering Key Factors That Determine Culture Strength. What the research says about boosting your culture strength by 62%. 







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