
22 Mar 2024

Ideas on ‘How to build a strong corporate culture’


The power of culture is immense, and an excellent and unique corporate culture is fertile ground for the development and growth of an enterprise, which will become the first competitive edge of the enterprise in the future. An excellent enterprise creates a core value and a sense of mission that can be shared by all employees, a psychological environment that can promote staff motivation and a corporate culture that can ensure continuous improvement in business performance and actively promote organisational change and development. 


What is corporate culture?  

The corporate culture simply said, is the reflection of the concept and ideology of the enterprise's creation of material and spiritual wealth and is a set of values and codes of conduct that are gradually formed by most employees in the process of businessmanagement and is also an unconscious or unthinking way of working behaviour of the employees of an enterprise. It makes employees abide by integrity, keep their promises, love their jobs, enhance their sense of responsibility, morality and mission, always maintain an upward and self-improving spirit, take the initiative to focus on the future of the enterprise, maintain the reputation of the enterprise and do their best to create economic benefits for the enterprise(Kristina, 2023). An enterprise without culture is an enterprise without taste, difficult to stand in society, difficult to integrate into the tide of the market economy, difficult to have room for survival, and more difficult in the wave of the market economy for a long time. Therefore, the construction of an advanced enterprise culture to meet the development needs of the new situation has become an urgent task. 

The role of corporate culture 

First of all, the corporate culture can establish the corporate identity, expand the influence of enterprises, and create efficiency for enterprises. Moutai Group, previously neglected the construction of corporate culture, holding the traditional concept of "wine is not afraid of the alley", causing the Moutai Group to lose many development opportunities, the construction of corporate culture has caused the leadership of the group to attach great importance to the efforts to build corporate culture(Wynne, 2018). The unique and novel corporate culture concept of "Drinking out of health" has not only expanded the influence of the company to an unprecedented extent, but also raised its reputation, and brought welcome economic and social benefits.  


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Therefore, in the production and operation of the central task at the same time, to strengthen the construction of corporate culture, according to the characteristics of the enterprise itself, combined with the specific circumstances of the enterprise, the construction of an attractive corporate culture. This will be able to attract people, inspire people, improve the visibility of the enterprise, establish the enterprise brand, and enhance the social competitiveness of the enterprise. 

Secondly, corporate culture enhances the cohesiveness of an enterprise. Cohesion generates strength and unity gives birth to hope. Many famous and successful enterprises are invincible in the fierce competition in the market because they have a good corporate culture. If an enterprise does not have a novel and characteristic corporate culture, it is difficult to bring the staff's strength together and integrate the individual thoughts, concepts and consciousness in it, and it will not be able to give full play to the fighting force. For an enterprise, a healthy corporate culture is the source of its invincible power. An enterprise without cultural nourishment can never grow into a big tree, and the structure of an enterprise building without a cultural foundation is hardly stable. 


How to build a good corporate culture? 

First of all, the construction of corporate culture must be closely focused on the production and operation of enterprises as the centre and must be subordinated to serve the theme of enterprise development. And from the enterprise's characteristics, around the actual production and operation to carry out. Haier, in the face of the fierce competition in the Chinese home appliance market, has put forward the ideas of "creating needs and guiding consumption", "making a cake for yourself and eating it", "only weak products, no weak market ", "Only off-season ideas, no off-season market" and other new corporate culture concepts, giving people a new feeling, but also to stimulate the staff's continuous exploration and pursuit, the spirit of enterprising(Bram van, 2019). It has been proved that the novel and distinctive corporate culture not only creates a good production atmosphere for the enterprise but also creates economic and social benefits for the enterprise. 


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Popis byl vytvořen automatickySecondly, the construction of enterprise culture must keep pace with the times. Mature enterprises create mature corporate culture, but mature corporate culture also tends to become a certain period of development "cultural deadlock", this deadlock will become a powerful obstacle to the internal and external adaptability of enterprises. Therefore, the construction of corporate culture must keep pace with the development of the times. 

Thirdly, the construction of enterprise culture must be close to the workers. Advanced culture must be mass. Close to the masses, close to life, no mass-based fortress, is not solid. Enterprise culture can only be more vital if it comes from among the masses of workers, and can better mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of workers, and inspire them to work with passion and devote themselves to their work(Kohll, 2022). 

Finally, the construction of enterprise culture must closely follow the characteristics of the enterprise. In order tomaintain longevity and remain invincible in the market competition, enterprises must adhere to both production and management and enterprise culture construction. 



The construction of corporate culture is not an overnight process, but a subtle and continuous process of enrichment and innovation. Enterprises must choose a suitable corporate culture according to the trend of social development and the requirements of progressive cultural development, combined with their own development goals and tasks, and constantly innovate to tap into the deep-seated potential of enterprises and create a distinctive corporate culture, keeping pace with the times. 
























  1. Bram van, L. (2019) Haier: A company worth studying!, Corporate Rebels. Available at: (Accessed: April 28, 2023).  

  1. Kristina, M. (2023) What is corporate culture, why it matters, and how to build it, Haiilo. Available at: (Accessed: April 28, 2023).  

  1. Kohll, A. (2022) How to build a positive company culture, Forbes. Forbes Magazine. Available at: (Accessed: April 28, 2023).  

  1. Wynne, W. (2018) How moutai became the world's Most Valuable Liquor Maker, CKGSB. Available at: (Accessed: April 28, 2023).  





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